Tagged with fall

hash browns + flea market finds

hash browns + flea market finds

*Sniffle, sniffle* As I write this, I am bundled up in approximately four layers of clothing + the most cuddly blanket in the world (who just happens to go by the name of “Lamby”). I’m really sick and am feeling all kinds of sorry for myself right about now. HAHAH, just kidding. I’m not THATTTT … Continue reading

i’m baaaack

i’m baaaack

hayyy there! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I hope none of you were worried. Just to confirm, I am still alive and well.. just SUPER busy. I think things are going to start toning down a bit now, though. Wait.. does that even make sense? We’re getting into the holiday season. Hmmm… Anyway, school … Continue reading

gratitude + what to do with leftovers

gratitude + what to do with leftovers

Hello, lovelies! How was your weekend? I had a lovely, relaxing-yet-busy-at-the-same time Thanksgiving long weekend! It involved a reunion with a girlfriend that moved to the UK, lazy movie nights with my boy, a Toronto FC game (they lost. surprise, surprise), an afternoon spent relaxing at a quant coffee shop, hanging out with the famjam, … Continue reading

a hodge podge of sorts

a hodge podge of sorts

Hey dollies! How’s it going? Sorry I’ve been a little M.I.A. lately… I’m not actually quite sure what I’ve been doing, but I’m sure I’ve been busy. I actually did start taking a course as part of my certificate program, so I suppose that takes up a fair share of time? Anyway, we’ve got lots … Continue reading

09.09.12 weekend wrap + weekly planning

09.09.12 weekend wrap + weekly planning

Howdy, friends! How was your first unofficial weekend of fall? I must say that mine was spectacular. It was really nice to stay in the city all weekend and just do some stuff around the house, spend time with friends + Duncan and just chill out 🙂 Some highlights – *Brushing shoulders with Jude Law … Continue reading

{how to} embrace the fall

{how to} embrace the fall

I must admit, I’m not the first one to side with fall. I’ll take my summer heat, thank you very much 😉 I’m going to try to give fall a break, though, since it would be difficult to fall (no pun intended) right after the best season ever. I never get sick of the heat … Continue reading